Nokia Treasure Tag & Lumia 1520 appear together in leaked pic

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Nokia Treasure Tag & Lumia 1520 appear together in leaked pic

by Stephen Schenck on October 21, 2013 12:15 PM
If that “Guru” is any indication, Nokia sure intends to have devices other than straight-up phones and tablets to present at tomorrow’s Nokia World announcement. Now those accessories it brings to show off look like they could finally include the Nokia Treasure Tag, a Bluetooth-based tracking device we’ve been hearing about in rumors and leaks since the sunny days of July. With just hours to go before Nokia’s event, we see the Treasure Tag make a reappearance, starring in a render alongside another of tomorrow’s expected guests, the Lumia 1520.
While there have been Treasure Tag leaked pics before, and even from the first time we heard of it we had a line art rendering to refer to, this image makes it hard to deny that the Treasure Tag is finally about to debut; as you’ll see on-screen there, the Treasure Tag is explicitly referred to. We also see the accessory with something attached to it for once, helping us out with a sense of scale.
Ultimately, Treasure Tags will live or die based on pricing. If one comes free with the 1520, it could easily be a hit; ask users to shell-out $30 or more for an accessory they don’t fully understand nor particularly see a use for, and we’re looking at a different story entirely.
Source: @evleaks (Twitter)


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