Nokia Normandy home screen and interface screenshots

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Nokia Normandy home screen and interface screenshots
 By Manthan Gupta | January 16, 2014 

Looks like there’s really no day passing by without some Nokia Normandy news, sighting, or leak.
The Normandy is expected to run some sort of Android build (a la Amazon tablets) but that doesn’t stop Nokia from trying to standardize the user experience across its devices (read Lumia), making the Normandy interface very Tile-rich. The screenshot above depicts these tiles (a lot of which should be familiar to you already) on the left, where we see the alleged home screen of the upcoming device: a combination of tiles, icons, and folders.
On the right we see either a notification shade, a notification center, or a special home screen mode (might even be the recent apps or recent notifications menu). It is not clear, as @evleaks only unveiled that these are the “two ways to interact with Normandy”. Nonetheless, there are a lot of things going on, from missed calls, to Facebook notifications, games, Twitter shortcuts, messages, Skype, and Calendar appointments.
Source: @evleaks (Twitter)


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